Consistent Hashing for Fun and Profit

With David Banham

Centralised system

Distributed system

We have some nodes...

        "hostName": "one"
        "hostName": "two"
        "hostName": "three"
        "hostName": "four"
        "hostName": "five"

First hash them

hashes = {
  return md5(job);
[ "6ecf35e7a633be3aa565ba87a3c6b8e3" ]

Now turn that hash into a number

nums = {

  num = 0
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < hash.length ; i++ ) {
    num += hash.charCodeAt(i)
  return num

[ 2386 ]

Now turn that number into an angle

var sub360 = function(num) {
  if (num < 360) return num;
  num = num - 360;
  return sub360(num);

angles =;

[ 184 ]

Now we have a ring!

We have some jobs...

        "job": "Threatening Oryx"
        "job": "Super Yak"
        "job": "Statuesque Koala"
        "job": "Sudden Dolphin"
        "job": "Stormy Cobra"

First hash them

hashes = {
  return md5(job);
[ "ab9d82b9ae7d7d7256a95efe3447ec78" ]

Now turn that hash into a number

nums = {

  num = 0
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < hash.length ; i++ ) {
    num += hash.charCodeAt i
  return num

[ 2365 ]

Now turn that number into an angle

var sub360 = function(num) {
  if (num < 360) return num;
  num = num - 360;
  return sub360(num);

angles =;

[ 205 ]

Now we add them to the ring.

Randomness is not evenly distributed

var adjustHash = function(targetNode, nodes, job) {
  var matchingNode = findMatchingNode(nodes, job)

  if (targetNode === matchingNode) return job

  job = job + 1

  return adjustHash(targetNode, nodes, job)



Pretty colours!

More information

Consistent Hashing (wikipedia)
Implementation (Go)